Let it rain!

“After that hard winter, one could not get enough of the nimble air. Every morning I wakened with a fresh consciousness that winter was over.”
― Willa Cather, My Ántonia


The snow has been replaced by the rain, and it feels good. These beautiful turn-of-the-century art posters and magazine covers celebrate the season — the simple joy of going outside to walk in nature or browse at a bookstore without freezing to death. I chose a few of my favourites, you can see more at the New York Public Library digital collection.




  1. I particularly like the picture for May. Very pretty! 🙂 It’s my birthday month, and the weather usually starts to get a lot more spring-like now. It has been cold this week though, and we even had a dusting of snow.

  2. After a long absence of blog browsing it is so delightful to visit your blog again and find these treats!! It makes me very happy! Delicious illustrations and i do love rain and walking in the rain too ( with the proper gear that is ;o)) After the winter and long snow, walking on normal shoes and not slipsliding anymore, walking feels so relaxed! Excellent choices! xo Johanna

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