Gifts from the sea

“The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed, but lack of faith. Patience, patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach—waiting for a gift from the sea.” ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea

This summer, we took our daughter to the ocean.


We spent most of our time in the beautiful coastal village of St. Andrews, New Brunswick, and exploring the Bay of Fundy. It has the highest tides in the world. At low tide you can walk far out onto the ocean floor; it’s like walking on the moon.


After many hours of watchful waiting, the sea gave us these precious gifts.


But the best gift was seeing my daughter wander freely, fearlessly and far from me.


We felt safe and happy here, our worries seemingly washed away with the tide.


In another life, we would live by the sea, my daughter, my sweetheart, and me.



  1. How strange that this book has washed up on our coffee table – a gift from the bookcase – and although it’s one of my partner’s favourite book I’ve yet to read it, but she, like you dips into it regularly. I think it’s time I got my feet wet!

  2. Such a beautiful post. Thank you for it. I keep Anne Morrow Lindberg’s book within easy reach of my favourite chair. One of those books worth re-reading. She had such a challenging life, yet wrote so beautifully .

  3. Beautiful photos. It does amaze me that Anne Morrow Lindbergh continued to write despite the challenges she faced in life. Her book Listen! The Wind is also worth a read. Thanks for this lovely post about the sea. Great kid you have there!

  4. So glad you all had a chance to experience the maritimes, the coastal waters and all the treasures it provides. H would be envious of all those sand dollars you found. We scoured the beaches near St. Martins and she only found one.

  5. I have been there…it is exactly as you described and I still have a jar full treasures in my studio, from that beach ;o) You describes it so well! I am very happy you had such a good time in that precious place, xo Johanna

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