Kaleidoscope Kids’ Books: A bookstore to love

It happens every time we go to Kaleidoscope Kids’ Books. My daughter starts reading. She is drawn to the books, like a kid in a candy store.

IMG_8171Kaleidoscope Kids’ Books, Ottawa’s only independent children’s bookstore, is owned by book lovers and parents who are passionate about bringing children and books together.

From their carefully curated selection to their helpful staff, you can tell that this is more than a business–it’s a calling. (Sorry, but no one gets rich owning a children’s bookstore…)

The store is bulging with beautiful books. They carry books for all ages and all kinds of readers, as well as best sellers and books you won’t find anywhere else.IMG_8162

This is the place to go if you want thoughtful answers to impossible sounding questions like this:

“Can you suggest a book for a teenager who is not into vampires or romance?”, “I need a gift for a child who doesn’t like to read,” or, “I need a gift for a child who has read everything!”


Our recent visit really got us in the Christmas spirit:

We left with a stack of wonderful books, and a reminder of what makes a truly good bookstore.


Shop in-store:

Kaleidoscope Books, 1018 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON, K1S 3W8 (located in the Glebe, directly across from Landsdowne Park)

Shop online:



  1. Oh delightful! I can wonder around children bookstores and feel so happy. In the city our boys grew up , we had a similar bookstore and we would go there so often, buy books ( all three of us) and then…hot choclate and read, read, read. They are still great readers and book buyers.
    And may I add: your daughter is so stylish in her blue coat and matching nail polish! xoxoxo and have a lovely weekend! Johanna

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